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Life with Braces Braces made in the USA

Navigating Life with Braces

Caring for Your Orthodontic Journey

Braces are a great way to improve your smile and oral health. However, it’s important to know how to care for your braces properly. Here are some tips:

Food to Avoid with Braces

  • Chewy treats – Bagels, licorice, caramel candies
  • Crunchy snacks – Popcorn, chips, ice
  • Sticky sweets – Taffy, chewing gum, gummy bears
  • Hard foods – Nuts, hard candies, pretzels

Braces-Friendly Foods

  • Dairy delights – Yogurt, soft cheese, milk-based smoothies
  • Soft bread options – Soft tortillas, pancakes, muffins without nuts
  • Pasta and rice – Spaghetti, macaroni, soft-cooked rice
  • Soft meats – Tender chicken, meatballs, thinly sliced deli meats

Remember, it’s important to avoid any food that can potentially damage your braces or get stuck in them. Enjoy a wide variety of soft and braces-friendly options to keep your smile healthy and treatment progressing smoothly.

Soothing soreness
It’s perfectly normal to experience some initial discomfort or irritation when you first get braces. Don’t worry, this sensation won’t last forever. To ease any soreness, try rinsing your mouth with a warm saltwater solution. If needed, over-the-counter pain relievers can provide additional relief. In the early stages, your lips, cheeks, and tongue may toughen up as they adapt to the braces. We’re here to help with wax, which can be applied to alleviate any sore spots. Just let us know, and we’ll provide you with some.

The “loose tooth” phenomenon
It may surprise you, but feeling your teeth becoming slightly loose is completely normal. This is a sign that your braces are doing their job. As your teeth gradually shift into their proper positions, the looseness will subside. So, no need to panic – it’s all part of the process.

Dealing with loose wires and bands
If you encounter a loose wire or band, don’t fret. Give us a call as soon as possible, and we’ll schedule a visit to inspect and fix your appliance. In the meantime, you can place wax or a damp cotton ball on the irritating wire for temporary relief. If any part of your appliance comes undone, save it and bring it with you when you visit our office.

Sporting with braces
Great news for all you athletes out there – you can still participate in sports while undergoing orthodontic treatment. We recommend wearing a mouthguard to protect both your teeth and your appliance. If you need assistance finding the perfect mouthguard for optimal protection, simply let your doctor know. In case of any sports-related emergencies, check your mouth and braces for any damage. If you notice loose teeth or appliance issues, reach out to our office right away. Applying wax or rinsing with warm salt water can temporarily alleviate any discomfort.